Expositie Frans Tummers

Expositie Frans Tummers

Galerie-atelier brord, Sint Truiderstraat 41,
Your arrival and the arrival of the Dutch Limburg artist Frans Tummers in Tongeren is an excellent opportunity to become acquainted with his art and with gallery-studio brord! 

Frans Tummers depicts things and living beings in a fine interplay of colours and shapes, evoking a subtle tension with questions about the How and Why of cyclical existence.  

From Saturday 1 to Monday 31 March, Frans Tummers will exhibit in the recently opened gallery-atelier brord in Tongeren.  The gallery also features painting and sculpture by brothers Willibrord and Fons Beemsterboer.  

The gallery is freely accessible from Saturday 1 March on all Thursdays and Saturdays from 11.00-17.00 and on shopping Sunday 2 March from 13.00-17.00 and otherwise by appointment. 

Further information on Frans Tummers can be found on the website.


  • 3/1/2025 t/m 3/31/2025

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