Golfbaan Brunssummerheide

Golfbaan Brunssummerheide

Golf course Brunssum Very strong! Exciting, challenging, unpredictable, varied and un-Dutch! That is the Brunssummerheide golf course!

As a player you will feel like a champion for a while if you play your own handicap or maybe even manage to lower it.

As an average player with a score equal to your handicap or in the buffer zone you will relive your round in the clubhouse with a satisfied feeling and as a novice golfer you will especially enjoy the environment with its un-Dutch character.

No hole that looks like another hole, many height differences with ever-changing landscapes. Plots with coniferous trees interspersed with parts with an open character, water features and several tees from higher parts make golfing on the Brunssummerheide golf course a unique experience.

Three nine-hole loops that can alternately be combined into eighteen holes.

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