
Schepenbank Oirsbeek

grachtstraat 1

Schepenbank Oirsbeek, opposite the church, was built in 1734 by Paes Limpens and Catharina Bousten. The facade of the Schepenbank bears the inscription PL 1734 CB, indicating the builders. This building was formerly used as a court. Several members of the goat-riders gang have been sentenced to death here. In the early twentieth century, the Schepenbank was inhabited by the ladies Rosalia and Catharina Paulissen, while the Jeukens family had a farm in the courtyard. After the restoration in 1977, the building was used until 1982 as the town hall of the former municipality of Oirsbeek. From the municipal reorganization in 1982 until 1988, the building was used by the new municipality of Schinnen. After that, the building was taken into use by the Benevolent Foundation Jan de Limpens (owner since 2006) and by the Stichting Jeugd- en Jeugdwerk Oirsbeek. Mayor Berry Link of the municipality of Schinnen occupied the living area at the front of the Schepenbank from 15 December 2008 to 2015. There is a well from Roman times in the Schepenbank.

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