

There is only one place in the Netherlands where the soft lost limestone, better (but incorrectly) known as marl, is extracted from the ground. This takes place in the Sibber quarry in Sibbe.

Most of these limestone blocks are needed for renovation. Limestone from Sibbe is used to a lesser extent for new construction, which is expensive. The block crushers that still extract limestone from the quarry continue a medieval tradition, the tunnel systems are that old.

Not all rock in the quarry is usable. The layer of usable limestone is 'only' two meters thick. The stone here is known for being easy to work with and relatively hard. If you go higher or lower, the quality decreases or you encounter flint.

Like many other limestone quarries, the Sibber Quarry also served as a shelter and as a location for underground cultivation of mushrooms and chicory. Today it is the only quarry where you can cycle through accompanied by a mountain bike.
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