Het Geluk van Limburg

Het Geluk van Limburg

From July 2025, Huub Stapel will shine in the lead role of Het Geluk van Limburg. 

A new Dutch musical theatre spectacle by Servé Hermans, director of the successful musicals Dagboek van een Herdershond and Het was Zondag in het Zuiden. 

Het Geluk van Limburg is a family chronicle marked by the rise and fall of the mining industry in Limburg. 

Descend into the mines with the cowboys, feel the coal dust and surface again in the lively mining colony. 

On show exclusively for three months from 23 July to 26 October 2025 at the Rodahal in Kerkrade. Tickets and info are available via the website.


  • 7/25/2025 t/m 10/26/2025

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