Oude Ambachten

Oude Ambachten

Diverse locaties
On Sunday, August 4, the Old Crafts will take place in the Sittard church village of Einighausen. On this day, many residents of Einighausen demonstrate the work they practiced on their farms some 80 years ago.

This way you can see the entire grain processing, starting with the sighting with the sight and pick hook, threshing with the flail, grinding with an old flour mill and baking the flour into delicious custard in the old sjansen oven.

In addition, you will see about 150 crafts that were closely involved in the work on the farm, such as blacksmith, basket maker, rope maker, saddle maker, clog maker and many more. You can also fully admire the cattle during these Old Crafts.

Heavy farmers draft horses pull the sight machine and plow, cows stand in the old stables, sheep and donkeys stand in the meadow and draft dogs pull their carts over the course. For the technicians there are plenty of old tractors and machines to admire. In addition to all this, there are plenty of old dishes to taste and there is a lot of entertainment for young and old.

There is live music on six terraces, music bands and folk dance groups roam around, there are continuous concerts in the church and the well-known Rubens Puppet Theater plays the children on a farmyard. The children can have their faces painted, decorate cakes, cuddle with pets, enjoy a street magician and the puppet show.

The day of the Old Crafts in Einighausen starts at 1 pm and lasts until 6 pm. You can park for free near the course. Einighausen can be reached by car via the A2: exit 48 Sittard/Urmond. You can also take exit 47 Born.

More information can be found on the website.
This text has been automatically translated using an online translation service.


  • 8/3/2025