
Sculpturen Alledaagse Mensen in Centrum Valkenburg

Many a distant spectator is surprised when he imagines that there are real people in front of him.

But as you get closer, the life-size concrete sculptures develop an effect and dynamism all their own: they are an artistic staging of everyday life - moving snapshots that show what is generally overlooked: life in its purest form, unadorned and yet far from banal.

The 'Everyday People' enliven the public space where they meet people: they sit on the bench, engrossed in a conversation or just together, enjoying the sun and remembering the beauty of the moment.

Their positioning underlines the claim to normality: the sculptures are approachable - they invite you to walk around them, touch them or simply contemplate them in peace.

In the spring of 2024 you will find 40 sculptures by Everyday People in Valkenburg aan de Geul. Alltagsmenschen, a concept that has already graced many cities in Germany, can be seen from March to June in Valkenburg aan de Geul.

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  • 3/2/2024 t/m 6/18/2024