TAFKAL - Stapelgek, op elkaar!

TAFKAL - Stapelgek, op elkaar!

After the first show sold out within a few days, the men of TAFKAL decided to add a second show at the MECC. TAFKAL: Stapelgek, op elkaar! “An unlimited night of enjoyment” (Ruben Nicolai), “grand performances with an unpredictable character” (Patrick Lodiers), “I'll be there too!” (Jeroen van Koningsbrugge), “call back later for a quote, I’m in an illegal Chinese gambling house and my battery is almost de...” (Ruben van der Meer), and “I haven’t called anyone yet, what are the dates again?” (Tijl Beckand). A new era calls for a new approach, and thus new game formats. But what remains is the collective insulting of all minorities and majorities, razor-sharp yet topical jokes, and of course, the necessary classics will not be missing. The show Stapelgek, op elkaar! is an event, a transcendent total experience in which the art of improvisation will be practiced at the highest level.


  • 11/21/2025 t/m 11/22/2025