Een paarse achtergrond met roze en groene icoontjes

'Route of Curiosities'

Curiosities in the Grensmaasvallei

You are about to cycle the ‘Route of Curiosities’, a route which takes you along the valley of the River Meuse (Grensmaasvallei) in Zuid-Limburg, embracing the municipalities of Beek, Echt-Susteren, Sittard-Geleen and Stein. Along the way, you can admire some beautiful countryside and distant views, the RivierPark Maasvallei, Geleenbeekdal, the cultural heritage, but - above all - the 30 amazing curiosities marked on the cycle map, brimming with wonderful stories against a background of peace and tranquility. And if you want a break en route, no worries, there are plenty of inviting hostelries along the way.

Look inside, listen and satisfy your curiosity with a 360° audiovisual tour

The Grensmaasvallei is home to countless buildings and locations which all have their own story to tell. But what happens when the doors are closed? Do you just keep on cycling? Not with the Route of Curiosities! At more than 25 locations along the route it’s possible to take a 360° audiovisual tour and experience these curiosities from your own smartphone. This means you can marvel at places which cannot normally be seen or entered. Not only are they a feast for your eyes, but you can also listen to the some fascinating tales.

'Route of Curiosities' Cycling Map

Route of Curiosities

A cyclingroute which takes you along the valley of the River Meuse (Grensmaasvallei) in Zuid-Limburg. Along the way, you can admire some beautiful countryside but - above all - the 30 amazing curiosities marked on the cycle map, brimming with wonderful stories against a background of peace and tranquility.

Northern- and Southern loop

The Route of Curiosities follows the valley of the River Meuse(Grensmaasvallei) as its wends its way along the Dutch-Belgian border between Beek and Echt. The route consists of two loops which join up with each other. The total length is just over 100 kilometres, but it can easily be divided into sections. The route forms part of an easy-to-follow (inter)national cycling network. All you need to do is follow a series of numbers. Between intersections, the route – in both directions - is always waymarked with the same number. You can start the route from the intersection of your choice. Check out our website for parking facilities or public transport connections.

Brandende kaarsjes

Real miracles

Curiosities have a knack of taking us by surprise when we are least expecting them. It might be a special place or story. A miracle on the other hand, is a supernatural event which some people believe is caused by divine intervention. Whether miracles exist or not is something that individuals can decide on for themselves, but everyone agrees that strange or inexplicable events happen all the time. In the Grensmaasvallei too.

Peaceful countryside

The Route of Curiosities takes you through some beautiful and peaceful nature reserves, such as the cross-border RivierPark Maasvallei, the Geleenbeekdal and many other zones.

Natuur in de maasvallei met paarse bloemen, groen gras en water

RivierPark Maasvallei

The RivierPark Maasvallei is home to historic towns and unique flora and fauna in the Netherlands and Belgium.




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The Geleenbeekdal

Years have been spent restoring the now crystal-clear Geleenbeek river to its former glory. And to good effect!

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Wandelpad omgeven door groen in Susteren

IJzerenbos in Susteren

Spring is the best time to see its rich tapestry of woodland flowers. Flat and tarmacked paths provide year-round access to this woodland nature reserve for everyone.

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De stenen tribune van het openluchttheater Spaubeek


The Spaubekerbos offers some surprises, such as an abandoned open-air theater and geological treasures in the Spaubeek quarry.

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Een oude boerderij achter een volgroeid graanveld

Nature transfers

Are you coming by car? Begin the "Route of Curiosities " with one of the many nature transfers in the area.

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Verschillende bomen staan in een heksenkring bij elkaar in een weiland


The village of Meers lies between a bend in the Meuse and the Juliana Canal. Ancient trees were found during gravel excavations in the Meuse, which have been transformed into a special monument!

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Een ronde tuin met daarachter een indrukwekkend klooster met spitse kerktorens

Special Curiosity Deals

Want to satisfy your curiosity in the Grensmaasvallei? If so, why not opt for a Special Curiosity Deal? Have yourself be taken unawares by a delicious snack or drink along the Route of Curiosities or go into complete relaxation mode with an overnight stay which includes dinner and wellness.

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Discover the wonders in the Grensmaas region

Awaken your curiosity

Everyday life can throw up some unusual surprises when we are least expecting them. A miracle is something which cannot be explained. In a world in which we constantly demand explanations for things, it is precisely the unexplained which appeals to the imagination. You don't have to visit one of the wonders of the world to be astounded. On the contrary. It is the small, often unassuming places in particular, which are waiting to reveal a world full of surprises. If only you take the time to look!


  1. Be curious
    Listen to and follow your intuition. Are you curious about something? Be open-minded, seek it out and go after it!
  2. In the here and now
    By observing your surroundings more closely, you will begin to notice things you would otherwise have overlooked. Be prepared to surprise yourself!
  3. Use your imagination
    Try to think like you once did as a child. Play in the old-fashioned way by doing something you enjoy without having to pay the consequences. What do you fancy?